Chew Food For 30 Minutes Let It Easy Hungry

Selasa, 01 Januari 2013 ·


Adjust your diet is one of the keys to success diet program. Unfortunately, many people are determined to go on a diet ultimately fails because it can not control her eating. Apparently the secret is simply that chewing food for 30 seconds before swallowing.
This secret was revealed by a study conducted by scientists from the University of Birmingham. The researchers noticed that people who chew food longer so less than most people eating snacks. How this can affect weight loss because the meal so boring
In a report published in the journal Appetite, the research suggests that chewing food longer may have an impact on appetite, limiting the desire to eat chocolate, candy and other snacks that can lead to accumulation of fat. Previous research has also shown that chewing food for a long time to cut calorie intake.
The researchers wanted to know whether the process of chewing food can affect a person's eating behavior. In this study, a total of 43 people mahapsiswa recruited and asked to refrain from eating for two hours prior to the experiment. The participants were then treated to a plate of smoked ham and cheese sandwich.
One third of the participants were asked to eat as usual, another third required pause for 10 seconds after each swallow makanna, while the rest were asked to chew food sepetiga for 30 seconds before swallowing. Two hours later, the participants were given a small bowl of fruit-flavored chewy candy and candy-coated chocolate.
The participants were also asked to assess their own appetite and the level of enjoyment when eating food. Results showed participants who ate a normal speed and that stops eating for 10 seconds while consuming the same amount of candy. However, people who chew food for 30 seconds eating half portions less.
"Participants in the group long to chew less happy after lunch and the assessment of the pleasure of eating lunch lower than those in the other groups. Effect may be because it is still new in doing chew food for a long time," the researchers said as quoted by the Daily Mail on Sunday ( 01.01.2013).
The researchers theorized, it might be because so many processes concentrate on eating, brain so much longer and are less likely to remember the signal needs to eat. It could also be due to the effect caused by chewing longer so unpleasant that dampen the desire to devour snacks.
At Christmas, Britons have a tradition of eating turkey, roasted potatoes, sausage wrapped in bacon slices, bread sauce and various vegetables. If the total, caloric intake can exceed 1,000 calories. If added pudding, biscuits, cakes, chocolate and pie, calories in can be around 3500-4000 calories. While ideally daily caloric intake does not exceed 2,500 calories for men and 2,000 calories for women.
Another study Chinese scientists last year found that chewing food 40 times to reduce caloric intake by 12 percent food. A survey conducted in 2010 of 1,000 people in Britain found that the average person eat food at most 6 times before swallowing.

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